
You got a source for that assertion?

Except they’re not -

Did it suck as much as it sucked for me (having watched the entire series on Netflix DVDs?)

You’re still in beginner mode.

You’re still in beginner mode.

You’re so cool. Can I be like you when you grow up?

Doctors are not regulated. Carriers are. And doctors have less data. 

Medicare doesn’t spend a lot of money on marketing...

You just apparently think it’s unfair that the federal government, the world’s largest corporation....

Pointing out the way Medicare currently operates when people or politicians who support Medicare For All say “no co-pays, no deductibles” etc. is kind of showing you aren’t familiar with the proposals on the table.

From a policy standpoint, this argument is bad; there are not many employer-based plans that would be better than Medicare for All, which would have no co-pays, deductibles, or premiums.

I spent 5 years of my life there and your experience is extremely atypical. Sports fans, not unlike yourself, are mostly idiots.

Their are both protections for guns and people’s lives/liberty against the Federal Government (and States, thanks to Article VI section 2). This was the central point to the objection of (R)‘s yesterday; moving from a felony conviction to a misdemeanor conviction was too low of a threshold for them considering that in

The Declaration of Independence lists life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as “unalienable rights”....

Seems like you want to have it both ways here. You cannot acknowledge that 2 of the most admired, respected people in the world don’t fit in your worldview. You’re a bigot plain and simple.

No ones inventing iPhones or Tesla’s in west Virginia .

That diminishes the checks of power by a third. The logical system is quite simple for being nearly 250 years old.

A 2007 poll found that 72% favored replacing the Electoral College with a direct election, including 78% of Democrats, 60% of Republicans, and 73% of independent voters.[7] Gallup polls dating back to 1944 have shown a consistent majority of the public supporting a direct vote.[8]”

... and the vast majority of Americans agree.

It should be.