Speed Walker! I loved Mind Your Manners with Billy Quan, and the two legs attached to the camera following the host around. Aw, simpler times... :)
Speed Walker! I loved Mind Your Manners with Billy Quan, and the two legs attached to the camera following the host around. Aw, simpler times... :)
a choice between wild-eyed leftists and pragmatic, victory-driven centrists of the Democratic establishment
Exactly. Pointing and laughing is key. It probably would have driven him (even more) ballistic. He’s angry and wants to feel superior, and being laughed at is never the superior position.
“This has been Overreaction Apologist Theater. Thank you, and good night...”
I’ll just leave this here...
If the same candidate goes for higher office, then I agree completely that his views on abortion are relevant. But unless there’s some way that a pro-birth mayor can restrict women’s legal access (something that he has flatly said he would not do) in Omaha, Nebraska, then it seems like a moot point.
Can we please stop conflating the powers of the mayor of Omaha, Nebraska with those of the President of the United States?
For mayor! MAYOR! A candidate for mayor who has stated that his feelings about abortion would not affect his duties as mayor.
I wondered if that was an “Assclamp!” reference (which is actually the name of the piece played during that scene once the action starts). God I love that show. :) Here’s the link for anyone wondering what the hell we’re talking about. (The pirate’s looking for a key Brock says he hid up his ass.)
First thing I thought of.
No, but both the American media and the American government are owned by the same corporations, who have used them both in order to further their own corporate agendas. If there’s a difference, it’s a small one.
Corporate Democrats aren’t going to fight what their owners want either, so lip-service denouncements of 1 and 3 give them cover to roll over for 2, 4, and 5.
Yeah, that big faker Bernie, not like all those “real” Democrats who just voted to approve Trump’s Cabinet of Horrors.
I believe the ‘somewhere’ you’re looking for is Wall Street, which is where our money goes today, thanks to our corporate-owned elected officials. If we start enforcing the free-market capitalism Wall Street pretends to live by, there’s money enough to do all kinds of things.
Neat! And that’s the only implementation of socialism, is it? That’s funny. So, what is it when our tax dollars are pooled and spent on things that benefit the taxpayers? Things like public schools, fire departments, Social Security and even our military? That isn’t a form of socialism? Doesn’t that just validate your…
Refer back to Bernie Sanders’ candidacy. It took the combined efforts of the DNC, SuperPAC money, and corporate MSM to stop him winning the nomination out from under Hillary Clinton.
You’re conflating Socialism with dictatorship.
If we stop handing the taxpayers’ money to Wall Street and defense contractors, you’d be amazed what there’s suddenly enough money to accomplish.
Spending taxpayer money on the taxpayers instead of just handing it to Wall Street isn’t radical. Three decades of corporate-owned Democrats moving the party right just makes it seem that way.
Only if “WTF is the matter with you?” can be considered a discussion...