
Absolutely seconded! I've seen Weird Al live about a half-dozen times, and it's a great time every single time. He changes outfits several times during the show (to coincide with some of his major parodies), during which time some of his shorter video/interview/commercial parodies play. It's seamlessly done, so you're

Totally agree.

Maybe it's a reference to the Emerald Plaza here in San Diego? It's a prominent part of the skyline...

Spend 100 years doing it?

Seriously. Any list of cool engineers that omits Miles O'Brien makes my eyes sad. The stuff he pulls off in "Whispers" alone should put him on this list. (And don't try to say it doesn't count...)

Z is just as good. In fact, is better. Is two more than X.

I read your book, Darklands, you magnificent bastard! (Of course, that didn't stop it from crashing every time I fought a major demon, thereby preventing me from ever finishing the game... God, I loved that game.)

The truly perfect British name will only be created when we mate her with Benedict Cumberbatch (star of Sherlock). :D

I've recently started using "a hundred-and-crazy-percent" thanks to rewatching Better Off Ted, a show that died before its time...

Boom! Yummy!

Now playing

I both agree with The5thElephant and love his/her/its screenname. :)

Executives... You're the people who execute audiences...

One of my favorite things about Deep Space Nine was Garak's take on the 'moral' to the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Never tell the same lie twice... :D

I don't know if Mage could be done any kind of justice in a movie. Maybe after an established TV show set the stage for an epic battle against the Technocracy...

And tigers. Tiger maulings aboard aircraft have remained low since 2001, thanks to your TSA!

Civil War + Zombies = Deadlands: The Weird West RPG. Zombies, Mad Science, Gunslingers... the whole nine yards. Great game, always wished they'd make a movie using the setting.

Yep, it's stuff like this that A) made me give up on comics back in 1994 and B) keeps me from being too hard on television soap operas when the two are one and the same.

So you're saying our suck may be someone else's blow? Hmmm...

What if white holes are just black holes going backwards in time?

Yep, that's one thing that struck me about What If: instead of simply taking a different path (a la Conan the Barbarian becoming Conan the Pimp via being stranded in our present), it's like they're hitting you over the head with what the WORST POSSIBLE outcome could have been, so it's A GOOD THING everything turned