
It needs to be said. STOP PUTTING PEOPLE ON FUCKING VENTILATORS. Sure you won’t be able to breath as well for a day or two but EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME IT”S A PERSON ON A GODDAMN VENTILATOR that ends up dying.

:) Who cares~ It was his world to create, if he wanted the Mandarin language to exist without using any Chinese Main characters, that’s his choice. If it bothers you so much, write your own story and stop pushing your ideals on how others should write their story (:

ya, with the time they wasted on those assets, they could of been polishing bugs, had they wanted the customization felt more in depth, they shouldn’t be afraid of people using sliders, so what if the character looks like a hideous monster, that’s the fun of a character creator.

But listen to yourself, the awards were rigged if there were bonuses tied to getting this award. IMO they definitely got paid off to get their award just to prove their point, you can tell these awards are BS when it’s a 90/10 split of opinion.

Even that’s a lie, to be honest, making my character felt so out of touch when I picked the Streetkid side and next thing I know I”m going through this montage of situation with a dude I just met. All I’m thinking to myself is, I wouldn’t make half these decisions, so the idea of me being able to make decisions is out

Lol when the vote % is 90% Journalist and 10% gamers, you know the overall awards are trash. Had it been a 50/50 split we would of seen a huge difference in the winners. It’s not the fact that Last of US Part 2 one, it’s the fact it one against it’s contenders. It might not of been a horrible game, but is it game of

It is you ignorant, constantly taking shit away because one person is offended is the most moronic thing you can do. So what, now when a person is peppered sprayed in the eyes they can’t say their are blinded because it would be an insult to those who are actually blind so now we have to say “temporary can’t see out

And it’s the shit like this which causes them not to be taken seriously. This is what non-PC people were talking about when it came to PC culture. The more they demand, they more they demand, they will set the goal post and continuously move it until you can’t even wave at someone because some sensitive fuck is

But wouldn’t this be the same as a voice actor putting on a voice for a role they played? Aren’t they using another IP for their own gains even though it’s in their own likeness? That doesn’t add up, it’s like, ya sorry but you can’t use this voice anymore on your streaming service because people may think it’s

I hope WWE crashes and burns from this, this would be like telling Jack Black he can’t be his quirky self on youtube because it’s an IP of all the movies he’s in and the likeness may ruin the “family friendly” vibe he brings to those motion pictures. Or Robert Downey Jr. can’t play any “kid friendly” roles because of

Sounds pretty dickish of DC, considering how many alternate storylines they create it was just disgusting of them to have a team constantly change shit around to please their current scenario.

Fuck off with your self-hating self, seriously. Are you so moronic to not understand why certain media might be flooded by certain races over others? Do some research your dumbass. If you live in America that’s about 328million people, when it comes down to race demographic it’s about 76% White, 13% Black, 1% Native,

Ditto, like I Mean it’s so cool to be harassed off the street when you just want some privacy. And honestly speaking I don’t think most people understand the desire of a private life for some people. He got his vision out, and he’s 79, let the man rest, stop fucking harassing him, he brought you memories now let him

Lame, an Xbox review with no fearmongering or talking about the current social climate or if we as Americans should even be dared to buy a system like this when there are poor unemployed people not working!!!! I am disappoint.

This is why people don’t like the left, they don’t enjoy escapism, you are horrible adults that refuse to let children be children. It’s sad. Get a fucking life and better yourself.

So your logic is to vote for another white dude, your logic is to vote for an illegitimate candidate. If you think Biden won the Primary, you are a blind fool and are the perfect sheep for the Democrats. You bend to their will, you forget they are public servants and treat them like celebrities, you let celebrities

I just find it sad how people are so easily influenced by people who don’t do their job because the did something “cute”. Your so blind to the fact that the democrats are trying to use video games to get votes, does Joe Biden’s Animal Crossing island not scream pathetic?

You are a shitty person for wishing ill on another person, but that’s the Democratic way, don’t agree with me I hope something bad happens to you mentality. Such a miserable existence to have.

lulz, you all a bunch of morons, don’t you even hear how brainwashed you all are? Hey let’s have a celebrity making millions and is out of touch with use tell us who to vote for(as long as they vote democratic) otherwise they are a piece of shit. Seriously, you people are so pathetic, the hate you don’t want, you give

man what drugs are you are cause you are extremely out of touch.