And let’s be real, so he died after going to a Trump rally right? So then how come we aren’t wagging the finger at people protesting and causing riots? They aren’t practicing social distancing, but I guess to you ignorants, BLM can do no wrong.
And let’s be real, so he died after going to a Trump rally right? So then how come we aren’t wagging the finger at people protesting and causing riots? They aren’t practicing social distancing, but I guess to you ignorants, BLM can do no wrong.
Also sounds like it’s a continuation, it’ll be interesting if the game fits in the continuity of the series and serves as a sequel to maybe give Jack a Happy Ending lol.
I would argue the reason the porn industry is where it is is because of the sexually deprived people that are taught that sex is bad but then they need an outlet to let out their sexual desires. Porn just exploits it, I’d prefer a society where one doesn’t need porn to get by and they are more comfortable with…
Buying makeup, going to the beach, Smoking cigarettes, smoking marijuana, getting your hair done, massages. If you wanna be fair make sure you comment on both sides rather than focusing on “male” activities.
Watch it only occurs with “negative reviews” and positive reviews can post anytime they want. It’s hilarious how you people aren’t smart enough that this is all to help companies get sales for a poorly designed game. Are we actually praising a business practice that will force people to either wait 24+hrs to buy a…
Nah you guys are way to ignorant to realize hypocrisy is hypocrisy, deflection of hypocrisy is still hypocrisy, if you actually know what the word integrity means then you would understand why what he said is troubling. But of course you uneducated imbeciles only see racism as “Hating a person of color”.
If you didn’t watch the whole video shut up, what reason did the lady have to continuously harass the other couple? If these people were the same color you would be siding with the one who pulled the gun because of how long the antagonizer kept harassing her about the situation. She refused to get out of the way and…
Just cause your too blind to realize how fucked up the world can be doesn’t make those people stupid. When something looks strange, it’s good to question it, but if you just assume there is nothing wrong with it you’ll end up eating your own words or you are potentially the problem.
or you dumbasses believed a 4chan post and got trolled into thinking it was something racist when it isn’t. Makes you all look dumb.
Love this comment, it always amuses me when people are so bitter seeing others succeed only to blind themselves to their own faults.
Or you could acknowledge that the hate is just cherrypicking hateful messages when there are more critical and majority comments that give the proper criticism, but instead he focuses on the 1% making hateful comments for others to sympathize with him.
Like a black person who gets a free pass because of the color of their skin so anything they do towards a white person is always justified? They were asking fora confrontation, all they had to do was walk away, she fucking bumped into her daughter, an accident and she wouldn’t let it go. That’s the fault of the black…
If you’re a moron who only saw a bite size of the article. Is the moron wrote this article going to add how they black group was instigating with her, how this all started with her bumping into her daughter and she would not let it go.
I find it more depressing that people will judge others for what they do with the product THEY purchase. It’s not you buying it so why should you feel depressed if THEY choose to do with it what they want?
And the same people that say this are the same ones who will find an accuser guilty before innocent. Before throwing stones one should self-reflect and ask if they’ve done anything to cause harm to another, like false allegations.
Covid-19. It’s pushed back everything because people aren’t working at the office, when it comes to gaming, the bug squashing, code writing and assets take longer to communicate back and forth.
Um, so shouldn’t people just not play it at all, with how sensitive their nipples are over anything crass or “racist” cards against humanity is the last thing these simp minded dumbasses would want to play.
Idiots like you that think all cops are bad is what’s wrong with society. Do you not even realize that when you assume all cops is bad it’s the same as saying all black people are bad or all white people are bad but wait a minute out of the three ones I said, only 1 is unacceptable to say in today’s social climate.…
it’s your own racist mind that comes to the racial conclusion. White/light/sun, positive, black/dark/shadow negative. If something is black the things that come to my mind are shadows, the unknown, not african americans. The fact that you might think of race first doesn’t speak well for you because if white list and…
Can’t “Blackout” anything anymore, instead you call it “erased” but it’s ok to still use the term “whiteout”.