
A Martial artist teacher will no longer be known as a Master, we will call them Main, you see how retarded you dumbasses sound.

so basically white-wash history by removing any form of “Tribal look” because it’s offensive because people who tend to wear tribal mask spend a lot of time outside and that’s why they tend to have darker skin? Real smart, let’s just keep erasing history until the reset button is hit and future generations have no

The Sad Truth is this is the type of story you get with people who are full of hate. It’s not engaging, it’s just a teenagers’s malice and rant conceptualized by “adults” that think they know better.

NO it’s not, he was a threat by all accounts. The cops clearly knew him so you assholes need to stop being this mindless sheep that is putting a criminal on a pedestal.

But then the other argument is why do we clamor when something is “white-washed” but we seem to praise it when a “white” character is removed. To me that is just bigotry. You can either like the idea of a person playing the role of X race as another race or not but you can’t cherry pick when it’s ok.

Id say it’s because it feels more like a 2 and less like a part 2. A part 2 would feel more cohesive with continuing the overall legacy of the original characters but the narrative seems to spin in a direction to pretty much insult anyone who enjoyed the first game.

While they won’t have the same freedoms as Netflix, I do think their overall “humor” does fit the crude nature of shows like Aqua Teen hunger Force, so I guess there is some opportunity for them to succeed.

That is fucking disturbing if they actually attempt something like that. How will the Democrats write themselves out of claiming that Trump has a “huge ego” if Biden were to pull some shit like this.

How would a glove be accurate when peoples hands can vary in size? Or if putting it on the wrong way could compromise the positioning of the “hand”. It’s honestly simple enough to understand why they wouldn’t use a glove.

The only flaw with this “lefist” way of thinking is what about those left politicians spouting this nonsense? Does anyone look at their back account and question why they don’t do more with the money they have.

One thing I wish game companies would stop relying on, especially in trailers are just the overused sound effects. I”m so tired of those heavy bass sounds to showcase “dread” or “drama” in a situation. Miss the days when IPs had their own unique music so that when you heard that unique sound you knew where it came

The sad reality is there are just some goons taking the Covid19 rules to far. THey think it’s martial law, if you see someone not following the rules you can kill them mentality.

But Cloud has it, he can protect the data with his Buster Sword.

Or you know, if they mean “faithful” as in stilted voice acting, dull gameplay and the such, then ya it’s pretty faitfhul. Don’t get me wrong, the game doesn’t seem bad, but honestly the demo didn’t really me to play further, it just felt  meh.

The problem with your strategy is you aren’t considering contigency plans. You blow your load thinking it will all work out without thinking of an escape plan.

If anything it could of been an idea for Xcom 3 but they realized the concept they were going for wouldn’t fit a full campaign so they re-structured it as a gaiden campaign with a shorter mission duration.

The problem with your mentality is you are just picturing what should occur based on the limited resources they have for animation.

And honestly, this scene is actually worse. The way it’s shown, Natasha was going to die anyway, so her throwing herself down isn’t as sacrificial as the original scene of seeing who gets to commit suicide for the good of the team.

you could use common sense, I get wanting to talk about it but why not do this. 40hr game to beat, 5hrs a day, that’s 8 days, on the 18th feel free to talk about spoilers, but talking about it not even a day after release makes you look like an a-hole.

It’s just a hivemind. She’s taking advantage of Simps that want to be made to feel “special”. It’s no different then a company that aims for the most customers by looking for an underlining gimmick to focus on. Like if you’re going to sell chicken, you’ll find a black community to do your business in. Or if you want