Wandering Ronin

It’s everything a cynical, self-loathing film hipster would hate, which makes Hook even better.

No, Hook is one of his underrated classics that must be seen to be appreciated.

Idc if his name is Starhorse, he’s Butt Stallion to me

compared to the rest of the games in the franchise it had the shittiest combat and story since DMC2. it has nothing to do with “purists”, the game was just shit. it was basically a new IP with the Devil May Cry brand slapped on the box.

In every game with EXP share, I simply switch my team around any time my Pokemon get overpowered. If you have to start with a “new” team after every gym, it makes it a lot more interesting. It gives me the opportunity to try out way more unique Pokemon, but EXP share lets me do so without having to grind unnecessarily

Sheesh. I bet you like popping kids’ balloons for fun.

Boring? Ok, bro. 

Can’t judge a villain by his size, he’s just a teeny little Banished guy (oh yeeeeeeeeah)

Oh, Matthew. If only you’d bothered to sharpen that rapier wit of yours before bringing a sword to a gun fight, that might have at least struck a nerve. But, considering that a quick perusal of the ol’ Kinja Vaults confirms that you’re essentially the walking embodiment of a ‘Bad Takes’ tiktok compilation, I’m not

Oh hi there, sad internet denizen whose entire identity is “I dislike popular thing, please notice me”. I just wanted to say that I see you. I hear you. I pity you, but I notice and acknowledge you. I hope this has helped to make your day better in some small way.

At this point, I don’t think we should be calling people “fans” when they have actively loathed the franchise for a good part of 10 years. These neckbeards who call themselves Pokémon fans have an obsession with hate-playing the games for the sole reason of complaining about how the game doesn’t pander specifically to

As much as I love them, I will never understand how a turn-based RPG with a leveling system can be considered “hard.” Or “easy”, for that matter.

Grinding for XP is not difficulty, it’s just a waste of real world time that you could be playing the actual game. Muting the game while I throw on Youtube videos and

Is this the part where I get to take the argument against adding in difficulty sliders in souls-like games and reverse it, throwing it back into people’s faces who say that Pokemon should remove core design elements or allow people to turn them off?

I hope so, because that would make me tickled pink for the rest of

Another contributor to the outrage is the ongoing controversy over the main Pokémon games becoming “too easy

This seems like a complaint that comes from the section of the fanbase that is devoted to making these games the least amount of fun possible.

“You have my sword.”

noble monsters?  well id like to react to that, but i cannot.

I would say some of the critiques are not well informed, and the framing of this article is steeped in TTRPG snobbery rather than the love of these kinds of games.

One can write about Lancer, without spending most of the article complaining about how her DM didn’t properly setup a combat encounter and her players were

And very wrong as well; so many misunderstandings of the basic D20 system 

I mean, they misunderstand basic rules about DnD that have been in RPG’s since 3rd ed, and in video games since we had accuracy.