Wandering Ronin

Unless you’re playing in anything that isn’t Faerun. Like Eberron, where the Drow are a tribal society based around the worship of scorpions instead of spiders.

There’s this certain toxic Hyper-Consumer attitude that permeates gaming. This self-aggrandizing view peddled by “consumer advocate” YouTubers convincing people who identify themselves as capital ‘C’ Consumers that they and their opinions are the most important things on the planet by virture of spending money. Their

I’m a little concerned about your understanding of how satire functions. While it may be true that South Park’s creators have their own political leanings, the general function of the show is to mock rather than to support its primary cultural narratives.

Since you mentioned the dolphin episode—the point wasn’t to mock

It’s a prequel, not really a “version”.

There’s Q doing the Templar commander, Johnathan Frakes is the reaper commander, Volk; Sirtis is the reaper champion, dragonova; Michael Dorn is the skirmisher champion, Mox; Denise Crosby is Betos, the skirmisher leader. The game is rife with TNG talent, and thats before you get VA mainstays like Nolan North, Fred

I am a horrendous, unashamed save scummer, but everyone says that especially for this expansion, you should let your men die. I am so torn that I can’t even start a new adventure right now!

That’s the impression that i get too.

Dad sounds like kind of a dick.

It would be okay if it weren’t the 50th time they do that joke. They trot this routine out like four times a year:

Go Fire Ferrets!

Right? It’s even worse because I work from home. It’s sitting right here, calling to me.

I’m a 20 year old college student who has never dated before. I wanted to wait till college to really dive into relationships. Key word there being relationships, not hooking up or dating casually.

Can they please do an Eberron book for 5e because I really want to play an official Warforged? Preferably one that is a bit more improved upon then it’s UA counterpart.

Don’t you Errrr me.

All that is gold does not glitter,

That's true. At the same time, not everyone playing Alex Kidd in 1986 is in or past the sixth grade. Not all of them speak or write English as a first language. And not all of them have awesome school systems where the teachers teach every possible vocabulary term at every grade level.

It's the guys who say things like, "Girls only like assholes. I'm so nice to them, and they never give me the time of day." What they are saying is that they are friends with girls in hopes of getting to be their boyfriends, instead of being accepted or rejected as a potential suitor by stating that up-front.

No, there's nothing wrong with you. Some people prefer relationships to evolve out of friendship, where companionship and trust evolve into physical intimacy instead of the other way around. There are both guys and gals like this.