
I like how dark the show is getting, maybe it will achieve Angel eventually, we had a child(17, but still) murdered, another much younger child nearly murdered, all for completely selfish, but understandable, reasons, and the entire Nick/Juliette thing which is quite twisted.

Scroll down past "This show sucks" comments, find fan comments, read.

We're not the south, which subsists heavily on federal assistance of all manner, so even in that I find no merit.

I think I'll call it, being a native I took an interest, but it's patently obvious the show has nothing to do with us outside of a random naming.

The voiceover work afterward had me cackling, street screwers! Pffft!

A top comment on a HoC article that isn't hating and dumping on the series?!

Where was King Huge getting all that food from?

I'm a bit baffled by the whole "lack of depth" department regarding politics, I am very into politics and I haven't seen anything lacking in that department. The only ones lacking depth are the ones failing to understand the AmWorks mechanic of subsidizing full time jobs, which would work, but would falter in an

Are there any, like, fans of the show here?

You forget the parallel between destroying a tower in a show of force to quell hope and a certain future 'not-moon'.

"Yeah like two mirrors that go on forever, infinite stuff TRIPS ME OUT!"

"Speaking of whom, John makes Manny mortal, and along with headache and heartache he experiences head itself."

I tend to identify with Finn's course of action, he and I have identical bones when it comes to our fathers, his evolution represents my own stages up until you just want nothing to do with him and jettison him from your existence.

I'm really thrilled with Wu being a main character, we need Trubel back so they can have awesome subplots together.

A disturbing thought occurred to me, what if the reality our characters exist in is one of the realities where someone else stayed? What if it just goes on like that forever? Ritchie, then one of the beings he creates as Shaw did, unto eternity?

Good God I love me some Ron Perlman, this isn't quite as fear-drenching as his monologue with Finn, but it was very near, especially revealing the origin of the universe itself. I have to wonder how The Lich knows that, if there was this, then nothing, then monsters, The Lich would have to be one of the monsters to

Thank you Logan, from now on fart high fives for everyone!

Wu might end up aligned with the Endezeichen, it could happen, but that might be me hoping they make an appearance. Previously I thought they might be too heavy for this show to handle, but after this episode I see they're willing to tackle very dark subject matter. I'm wondering if Wu was allowed in there or not

No, it just lists him under cast and characters, I didn't say he wasn't a regular cast member, I said I'd like him to be a main character.