

Why does the coffee snake evolve into pancakes?

I get a product at Home Depot called Green Gobbler that works very well. Stinks to high heaven, though.

All the stars for you.

“Handheld mode is probably the most annoying: do you really want to be shaking the crap out of your whole entire Switch?”

The Addams Family or GTFO.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

I saw this on twitter and it really makes me happy. Financial relief is one thing, but grief relief is also necessary.

Manah, manah.

Who is that Tarzan looking character in the first image?

*Holds Addams Family and Animaniacs cartridges closely*


My favorite cosplay in this post. Bravo.

“Get in the duck!”

One of my favorite things to do is grab a Moblin’s weapon after he drops it, just to see his look of outrage.

This was all blatantly apparent far, far before election day. Yet, for some reason, we had barely a whisper of articles pointing out Trump’s incompetence, unfitness for office, and general Bozory. Why could that be?