

Join forces with Nabin!

Then I'm gone. (Really I was gone as soon as I heard "Kinja" this just makes it easier for when I might get curious for a taste of the dark side.)

Garbage Ape will collect it in the morning.


They don't care much about keeping the commentariat, they figure it will be replaced by a click army of millennials with endless disposable income.

I have, it's successfully kept me from commenting on Deadspin, among others.

Translation, "We'll look into

I blame the herpes.

If only some brave commenter would start his own channel where denizens of the AV Club comments sections could hang out and enjoy the camaraderie without the hassle of all those 'articles' and such.

I don't think @NephewOfAnarchy:disqus was apologizing to NJ.

Metro holds 1100 people, hardly an arena.
Although they did play Wrigley last year, I guess people like being in big crowds.

At least the Oatmeal is still around.

But he'll still be smoking the best stuff.

"Don't blame me, I voted for Shaggy 2 Dope"

Are they sure it's Pickle? It could just as easily be Pickie with the second i not dotted. Nine year olds can be notoriously pickie, or maybe he picks his nose a lot.

He does love him some uneducateds!

Ha! I already beat him to it, three times and counting.