
I wasn't saying I wouldn't go on the show and eat the food! Just don't put any weight to what I might say about it if they pointed a camera at me.
I read a comment in a previous recap that following the show closely on social media is a good bet, of course you have to be in the area they're shooting and aware of when

I'll wait for the pizza delivery, it's close to home and I tip well so they're usually pretty quick.

That's cool, I still found it impossible to take their comments about the food seriously. In fairness that can be said about pretty much any group of "Top Chef Fans" who they have on the show to eat a challenge.


A fried croissant definitely sounds good, but to hell with the line nonsense. Sounds like Ansel's also good at hype.

I'm guessing The Wire because of the "Omar" thing.

Who you callin' shrimp?

Knit caps in the Midwest at least serve a purpose (not in July though).

I couldn't take any of the diners' comments seriously with those hats on, not that I every pay much attention to what the guest diners have to say anyway but the hats made these particularly ludicrous. Maybe a little background info would've helped but by ten a.m. I won't be thinking about South Carolinians' hats.

I never made one, all the other kids in my class got to make a giant mess in their family's kitchen but my mom was wise to the teacher's ways and called bullshit on that 'science' project.

See, pervert?

Step away from the pizza box.

Hormel Black Label Bacon® or GTFO!

Came here to make this very joke but at least I ctrl-F'd first.

Paired with the bigger things to worry about is that the two teams are the Patriots (again? yawn) and…I don't know.

Before you know it auto-fill will write the entire article.


Why not a metal baby?

"Don't forget before leaving the house, to thoroughly wipe your ass with Charmin Flush-able Wipes…They have Aloe".
I think Padma should say that every episode.

My childhood food memories are mostly peanut butter & jelly and mac & cheese. My mother wasn't much of a cook and my response was to not be a very adventurous eater.
She also cooked round steak and onions (try to cut that with a table knife) with a package of Lipton onion soup mix as a flavoring which was a favorite