
Turtle on the head or GTFO.

Scope out where the trash can is beforehand, take a plastic bag in with you and tie the diaper up in the bag, make a quick (but not too quick) beeline for the can, wash your hands and get out pronto!

Billy 2024!

Great Job, Supper Club!


You're right, the old Sun-Times building just looked like something from a suburban "corporate campus," not the jusmp up and punch you in the eyes ugliness of the Trump thing. At least the honorary street sign is gone- http://www.chicagobusiness….

Smells like Chinese drywall, and maybe a few of the illegal laborers decomposing between the walls.

I want you and your melodica in my band.

In the US parents think it's their God-given right to let their kids act like rabid weasels anywhere and everywhere.

It's work here is done, nothing but Taco Bell and kidney stones from here on out.

Wasn't that Romney's campaign slogan?

Twist ending- Tom Waits was Mickey Rourke all along!

I can't believe I used to like these guys.

Kitty-corner from the AT&T store.

control F failed me as I just made a similar joke.

Why not 53rd & 3rd?


Don't you talk about cretins like that!

I was picturing B&B watching videos on the couch and imagining their running commentary. I don't watch much South Park so he's not part of my cultural lexicon.