
Which end of the horse does she expect you to be?


They're okay as long as it's only once a month.

I sometimes think he's channeling Frank Booth the way he shouts seeming non-sequiturs in this song.

"As the last broadcast circles the globe in search of a listener"
When they opened for the Stooges at the Congress in Chicago they were so loud I don't think anyone could've yammered during the performance that night.

Even purebreds.

He said he "took her out for dinner" but never really dated her.

I haven't seen the movie but read the book and he talks quite a bit about what attracted him to her (besides her chest).

One can only hope.
Who's going to play Russ Meyer?

Especially when they riot!

Not until just now, Holy crap!
Looks like I picked the wrong day to give up breathing.

*my bunk

"You mean this isn't an airplane?"-

Thank you, President Carter.

Did ya hear about the girls they been dippin in wax down at the wax museum?

"Don't! Stop!"

My Woman From Tokyo for me.

"It doesn't have Steve Perry's voice. "