
The thing about Scott, and apparently he's always been this way, is that he's a director who is interested in world-building, in the details of filmmaking, but not really in being a director of actors. During the filming of Blade Runner, Ford approached Scott to discuss the character of Deckard, and Scott basically

Charlton Heston blows up the Death Star at the end.

Thank God no Nolan films on this list.

I find it difficult to believe a Star Fleet Admiral would under any circumstances address a starship captain as 'You rat,' unless, of course, said Star Fleet Admiral is portrayed by James Cagney."

Okay but Garak is the best Cardassian.

This is not just a "rich people" issue. I know plenty of middle class people in safe neighborhoods that get super pissed when carloads of kids from poorer areas get dropped off. Frankly I never understood the big deal. More kids means less candy for me to deal with later. Besides, if *I* lived in a less than safe

I read Tatum O'Neal's memoir a few years ago and that story about Ryan O'Neal totally rings true. Not surprised one bit. He is a horrible horrible horrible human being. His reaction to Tatum getting nominated for an Oscar? He punched her in the face. Think of that next time you see a photo of Tatum from Paper Moon.

Chronosynclastic infundibulum.

I've started to notice the people that say "Don't tell me how to raise my kids!" are the exact people that need to be told how to raise their kids.

After the loss of Robin Williams, not to mention the deaths of his early comrades John Belushi and Gilda Radner, it's nice to see Murray continue to perform without using his personal demons as a muse.

I thought All You Need is Kill sounded like a McBane movie on The Simpsons.

Anyone that talks badly about Slither gets a punch in the nose. It's got comedy. It's got action. It's got horror. It's got sci-fi. And honestly, it's a g-damn tear jerker, with the relationship between Grant and Starla, even after he mutates into a monster straight out of a hentai film.

Formatting multiple pictures and text on Kinja really sucks.

Well its not a full comedy.

So being an old and a movie buff, I knew all of these except Bela Lugosi and Clara Bow. Apparently, he had a nude painting of her that he displayed wherever he lived. That's her above the couch.

"How did he do such great stunts with such little feet!"

Prof. Rogers=top men

Naw, both best and worst in one master stroke.

Life of Brian > Holy Grail