
Uhh... why are the framed family photos on his desk facing away from him? The purpose of that is....?


See that, way back there? That’s the bottom of the barrel.

Now playing

For weeks I’ve been predicting Donnie at the end pulling an all-out Citizen Kane Oval Office trashing. “I’M THE PRESIDENT!! I’M THE PRESIDENT!!”

Personally, I wouldn’t mind a Dank and Dabby special... 

What’s the matter, Mr. Pratt? Bugs got your tongue?

Hah— try Berks County Pennsylvania.

How ‘bout a Fresca?

Time Of The Apes!

Are they planning to cover the whole Rick Wakeman album?

It’s gonna take generations to recover from all this, isn’t it?

Huh. It’s almost like they’re in it for the perks and not the actual job...

So, it’s a romantic comedy?

This was cool. Now I’d be curious to see one of these dedicated to Nabokov’s Pale Fire.

Saw it in the theater, as I have all Coen Bros movies since Miller’s Crossing. Their DJ Mixing of genres is what it’s all about with most of their movies and for me, Lebowski was The Big Sleep and Cutter’s Way with a Cheech and Chong filter on it.

Personally, I’m very much looking forward to when Donnie starts trashing the Oval Office Citizen Kane-style.

I’ve never encountered a hard-line conservative that isn’t a complete dolt when it comes to deep-cut pop culture.

Context, kids, can be so important.

What? Huh?

Honestly, the only Matt Damon movie I ever really liked was The Informant!(2009) .