
Was Judy Davis busy?

Bluff. Lie. Attack.

I seem to recall by the release of Clean Slate, most people were kinda sick of him.

The strip was never the same post Lyman— which is around the time Davis had pretty much extricated himself from most of the process...

Looks more like Christian Bale as Richard Dreyfuss as Dick Cheney, which means of course I’m seeing this.

I can remember when Kevin James used to be part of a three-man comedy team way back in the brick wall days. That’s the last time I can actually recall him being funny...

Yeah Baby?

So do we have an over/under on when the plug gets yanked on this?

It’s a grocery store/ supermarket with any amount of human beings in it.

Stupid, self-obsessed, little men that live on a solid diet of 80's action movies for $100, Alex.

Yeah, white noise machines throughout the office? Big red flags right there.

Dear Hollywood, Go ahead with your crappy re-make of a crappy series of revenge fantasy movies that bordered on schlock anyway— honestly, nobody cares.

Hah ha— Sorry, there may be exceptions, but in my experience a creative that plasters any room of theirs with their own work is a bullshit artist.

This looks awful.

I happen to be the one guy who consider It’s A Wonderful Life as a science fiction story.

With the what that set looks, I half-expect Beat Takeshi to show up with the Crazy 88s.

Since I’m already going to see this anyway, how about Pierce Brosnan as Charlie?

I can’t blame him, I mean— If I could afford it, I’d be buried next to Strother Martin or something...