
It does look defaced doesn’t it? Not hard to do - the softest form, gypsum alabaster, is about as hard as fingernails.

Considering he lost his career momentum due to sexual harassment, I don’t think your quip is very funny.

Now all I can think of is Angel’s Winifred opening a very poisonous sarcoph:

People are so fixated on the sarcophagus that they’re missing out on the much creepier melting alabaster head found alongside the sarcophagus.

The weird thing about making movies is that they are expensive to make and the people who front the money for them expect to get the money back. Ideally with some extra money on top! That’s one of the reasons why some actors are paid more than others. They draw an audience to the box office! There’s a good chance that

Honestly I would encourage christian people like this doofus to retreat into cloistered lives of hard work and quiet contemplation. Vows of silence, in particular, could be very helpful. Maybe eventually some good beer would come of it, like with the Trappists.

Lots of bland starchy foods can block you up. No wonder he’s so full of shit.

Awful lot of meat on them bones for a vegan. He must be a vegan with a hollow leg. 

The Venn diagram of restaurants that serve baked beans and aren’t murderous BBQ joints is tighter than Morrissey’s anus.

All that and porno, too.

Remember when he did porn!? Those were wild days.

Man... imagine how differently the DC cinematic universe could have unfolded if he had gotten his Randian ubermensch fix by making this movie 5 years ago, instead of through... you know... getting everything about Superman completely wrong.

You think the guy that made Sucker Punch, a movie 14 year-old boy’s masturbation fantasy about a girl in an insane asylum that dreams herself into a brothel with a violent pimp, violent customers and a violent cook to dream herself into several ridiculous (albeit a bit cool sometimes) scenarios fighting in super

Someone on twitter said a Fountainhead movie helmed by Zack Snyder is precisely the adaptation this novel deserves and I agree.

“If you do, you will find someone who truly believed that there was a movement (a silent majority, he calls it) underneath that label that would improve disclosure in games journalism.”

In spite of virtually all evidence to the contrary which was available to him just as it was to everyone else.

“He was wrong, and his

You know the part that’s the stupidest? Of all the shows in all the land, can you think of one that would make it easier to write out a major character? They could have fired Tambor, had a stand-in and done a running gag where you only saw him from behind. Or he was suddenly played by a different actor like Bewitched

I think this interview will feel very familiar to any women that wants people to know what happened to them was not okay, but also feel pressured to go along to get along.

The hum in Ben Horne’s office was explained. The hum started when the old Great Northern door key showed up in the mail, and then we saw later that the source of the hum was behind a door in the boiler room. Near the end, Cooper takes the old key, opens the door in the boiler room and meets MIKE. The hum is a signpost

That’s wildly inaccurate. Lynch wanted 18 episodes, Showtime wanted it reduced to 9, and he almost walked away from the project until they agreed to give him everything he wanted to complete their vision for the series.