
It almost sounds like these writers created a fictional Roseanne Barr alongside Roseanne Conner.

I think despite her odd beliefs..which are plausible to change after all this time...especially at her age...she’s is doing one thing right with her right wing act. This show .. shows us ... if anything..that not all Trump voters are evil white Nazis. That there are a sub group of people that were duped (though she

Why would Diaz coming out as bi be a problem for the network when Holt being openly gay for five seasons is fine? Like, the “ehhhh, I dunno about LGBT content” ship for this show has hella sailed.

I haven’t watched the reboot but Jackie was always kind of a ditz who couldn’t figure her life out. She had like 3-4 “careers” in the original and had a habit of dating awful men.

Family Guy should have never came back from the first cancellation, I tells ya.

The Fox network won’t change hands. It’ll stay with the Murdochs, Fox News and Fox Business. The studios and the FX networks are the one at sale.

Barr’s shtick always had more to do with being shocking than with being observant or clever. In the 90s, it was shocking to see two women kiss on television. In 2018, it’s shocking to support the racist piece of shit that happens to be the most powerful man in the world.

I actually buy that Roseanne would go for Trump—but would pretty quickly realize he’s exactly what everyone always said he was: a narcissistic rich scumbag. Her character is obviously a social progressive but also distrustful of politics and politicians, so she would be skeptical of Hillary Clinton. A non-politician

I have no problem believing that someone who voted for Trump has totally incoherent views that are inconsistent with the way they actually live their lives. My in-laws are a perfect example. A lot of people are disturbingly invested in this Dennis the Menace theory of leadership and it makes me want to vomit.

That may have been the case with the original Roseanne, but keep in mind how shitty things got for the social, political and economic class she represented during the original run of the show. It’s completely realistic for Roseanne Conners to have turned out the way she did in a post 9/11, post ‘08 economic crash

Roseanne Conner is the type of person who says ‘fuck all politicians, they’re all lying crooks.’ All the years watching Roseanne, I always assumed she was apolitical, partly because her ego and self-value are so high, she would never stand for someone who doesn’t agree with her views 100% of the time.

If the show wanted to reflect the support, then disillusionment similar to what’s going on now in my neck of the South, Roseanne could have made Trump support an evolution of desperate blue collar voters who originally bought into the Republican BS to the despondency local Trump voters now feel.

My mom was a huge fan of Roseanne when it was originally on. My mom was also a very liberal person, who voted for Bill Clinton twice. My mom also voted for Trump in 2016 and thinks football players who kneel during the anthem should be fired.

I don’t know about Roseanne in particular, but I have seen other people who were leftys move conservative (exene cervenka, Morrissey, dave mustaine, etc). Sometimes it is about people who are drawn to extremes switching one extreme for another. Sometimes it is about someone who was

I remember the old show, and its focus on blue-collar, Midwestern Rust-belt lives. In that context it makes perfect sense that Roseanne Connor would be a Trump supporter. She’s his base: the population that’s felt itself losing out in the new tech-based economy located somewhere out there on the Coast. The population

It seems like the writers aren’t taking into account the effect 9/11 and Fox News had on people like Roseanne Conner all over the country. 25 years ago the idea of almost anyone voting for a person like Trump would have been unthinkable, but the world has changed.

This is what happens when money comes to people who think and talk but don’t read or analyze.

I grew up on the original and have watched the reboot. Maybe I was too young back then to notice details, but I don’t see much difference in the characters. The performances need to hit their groove still, but if a working class family stayed about the same (easily done with recent trends) this is what I’d expect to

“I don’t think that she would’ve, but apparently she did.”

Can the discussion not be about Weinstein and turn to the fact that the dress doesn’t fit with the theme of the Met Ball? It is drab, frumpy, and does resemble a used O.B. tampon.