
Except, several episodes back we were given glimpses of a future: one of those glimpses is May, Fitz and Simmons getting the Zephyr off the ground after something happens. Part of me wonders if that’s foreshadowing a potential resolution of whatever happens in this season’s finale.

It’s always the feels with this show, and never the feels you’re remotely expecting. If it wasn’t feels from watching Fitz violate Daisy, it was feels from watching Deke console his grandmother.

Difficult People on Hulu, three seasons of deep cuts directed at Landis, Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey, etc.

I’m wondering if that’ll be in a flashback, like how Peg showed up in the first.

It was reformed, but not in the same capacity as it was before CA:WS, and all of its current agents are enemies of the state due to some rogue LMDs.

Well, it was a gradual darkening. Season one was on at 8/7c, two and three were 9/8c, then four was 10/9c, while season five has gone back to 9/8c.

It may have, just not as a blu.

I thought Cull Obsidian was another name for the Black Order.

I think they just stopped producing sets. Amazon had DVD sets, but there were no blus since season two.

That’s an interesting response, because that was the niche Agents of SHIELD was designed to fit initially, ie family-friendly adventure show.

I think it’s more that those channels are giving the creators the time they need and not forcing them to stick to specific broadcast windows. Maybe.

It’s new, but it is part of a poster series to celebrate ep 100.

They’ve been doing posters of previous seasons as an advertising lead-in to ep 100, but not shocked Whitbrook missed it.

Or Wakanda being so advanced makes it a target on its own.

That exactly.

Well, Anne’s son Christopher is the showrunner for the Vampire Chronicles.

That poster is not an example of chiaroscuro.

IIRC, this was the last scene in the series finale.

If only. That would involve far less gay panic.

It may be something that occurred after he crossed over.