
I'm going to probably have to buy this on payday.

Wow I thought I was the only one who remembered that the Tie Fighters were built by SFS.

I'm game for a new school Alfa 75 Evo with front engine rear transmission layout and some serious boost.


Now playing

Here's a good video (sorry bad quality) showing how nuts the Sierra was.

5 speed.

I sense a winner here!!!!

Obviously photoshops. IRL the dude and his drunk fat bros are there in their Taurus or busted ass Cherokee.

Thanks a bunch for posting this. I used to watch this video all the time before I lost it.

And might I add it's simpler to drive a Manta with its N/A engine then a fire breathing Sierra with turbo, lag, and a production shell.

$1500 negotiable bucks? that's not bad even if you have to do some work to it.

Lol I have been guilty of 7,6,5.

This is actually making me reconsider buying a house with some acreage.

Thus ends Ford's best overall vehicle lineup in a long LONG time.

I live in Houston and I can tell you there is no lack of racing facilities here.

Well even aftermarket companies do it too:

In that case it's plain and simple oversteer.