
I have had been leasing manual Cayman’s since the first model every three years. I always got an S up until 2014. That year I got a base model, with the savings I got the 20" sport classics and the sports exhaust. I also did power folding mirrors (city life) a sport exhaust pipe, deleted model and speed yellow gages.


This is just stupid. I am honestly more interested in seeing him fall than anything else. At least with the guys that hang on to high places, they have strength going into it...but these guys?

All I can say is.. I CAN’T WAIT! Bourne films are all awesome (minus that crap one with the other guy) and even though I have all of them on DVD, when I channel surf and hit any one of them, I have to watch it.

Exactly... fuck the retarded hoover board.. I came here because of that lazy hick babe in the lawn chair.


Lol, he said niggling.

I don’t even know who that is ... If he’s famous or something it really doesn’t matter. Go on and wear an Islamic extremist shirt to the airport too and then come back here and cry about the treatment you got.

Listen.. have you seen the fresh prince of bel air? You remember Carlton? Would anyone ever call him a thug? The answer is no. It’s you that’s the dumbfuck. Thug has been around forever and if it starts to get used to describe gangster looking black guys then tuff shit.

Thug is not racist. If I see any guy that dresses or looks like a criminal then that person is a thug. They can be of any color or any race. Wearing your pants “jail house” style kinda points in the thug direction.



Wait, so now thug is a bad word? Thug never only applied to black guys, it has been used to describe a certain type and I believe that type transcends all races.

Steven Hawking is a stand up guy.


The greatest thing about nascar is getting all of them in the same place.

Change the names and add about $500k to that income and you have my reasons against NYC

No shit. While Chicago winters suck, they serve a purpose as I find 24/7 good weather way more depressing than a change of season. Plus you are right, Midwest summers rule!

Was born in LA and have had extended stays in NYC. I live in Chicago. I have to say Chicago is the best. Clean, accessible and buffered from coastal and terror (thus far) disaster. NYC is great, but only if you are a royal.

You are right. It’s a shame that conspiracy theory has such a negative connotation, because it usually has merit. Connecting dots is the hallmark of intelligence and crime solving. Discounting any theory because of it’s scope, grandeur or subject is short sighted at best.