
I am not sure.

I don’t know but I have done it twice in Chicago and both times the officer was not there on the 2nd court date and both times the ticket was dismissed. Also in both cases I purposely missed the first date and then they would have a 2nd date issued that could not be missed or else it was a conviction. It worked for me

I love what you did. I have a cb160 (pictured) and was wondering if you have any ideas to make it look and perform better? I was thinking of powder coating the rims. Also I am using a shorai gel battery that never seems to stay charged. Would going to a 12volt system be best? I was thinking different tank too as this

They have molested beer. The originals is where its at. Fuck I remember drinking Shlitz and Old Styles! Miller High Life tastes like BEER! All this other craft nonsense is just an excuse to charge $$ for something that was broke and did not need fixing. Kinda like bottled water. If you want beer then drink real beer.

I just went to the site.... Oooooffffff.

I am confused. SO sexualized photography is ok BUT being objectified is not?

Great article! Now show me your tits! Wait I can just go to the site which just got one hell of a plug.. nice work!

Would this be effective even after an emp was used in said theatre ? Also, can I assume without sat com it’s worthless?

It is such a personality thing. For me it’s the 911 without a blink. I think it’s the better choice for sure though I have always liked the finer things in life. I go for fine classics. Vette guys and Porsche guys differ greatly. If you value say a Rolex then you porbably go for Porsche.

What a cunt you are. This flag was flown by those that were for slavery. It has no place on government land or buildings. Business interests also are probably not served by such endorsement. You though are the cunt of the worst kind and that is a dumb cunt

You are right about that. It’s offensive to those that are against slavery.

Hey asshole,

I guess this one is no big deal to you too

Great article. I wonder what this could of referred to:

I realy want to love this show... I really do.. but without Colin I think it is donezo. He is without a doubt the best thing going for it. What’s funny to me is how not shocking the whole mom seduction effort with son is. Boardwalk Empire owns that. The only thing left might be for McAdam’s to masterbate with one of

Wow who is she!?

Asshole. Welfare checks as you call it come out to a fraction of what discounts to the wealthy elite total. The worst part is I guarantee you are NOT part of the elite making you dumber than your post alone.

Here is where you are wrong. I pay taxes and for that I am paying not only for roads and schools but security and that includes economic security as well. It’s not that I blame the Chinese .. I blame our government which is controlled by big business. You blaming the consumer adds insult to injury as it is the

The west has suffered considerable brain drain since work started going off shore. China’s currency is Not as connected globally so that gives them somewhat of a buffer. They are shooting for a domestic economy and if that fails then provoking the west might be the best way to maintain power. And yes nationalism and

The dude in the pic has T-Rex arms! I ran into this once on a ok cupid date .. she was pretty hot except for those T-Rex arms... a real hard on killer.