
I have it on Xbox 360 and now have it on Xbox one. I have only played online and still do. While it is an amazing game, I find the xbone to be unstable. Lobbies empty at random and finding a game with people in it takes time. I thought I found the answer when I read to change my power setting to energy saver which

Agreed. This country is no country for old men or ladies. Whatever happened to respect your elders??

All those cars were bought with cash that would of otherwise stayed HERE IN THE USA!

Last Jan I threw down on an Xbox one and I played a little battlefield on it and then returned it. There just wasn't enough games or people to play with as online gaming is my thing. Then I got a ps4 and TLOU and after playing that game I returned it for much of the same reason. Yesterday I bought the xbox one again

I already pre-ordered for xbone. I play this game all the time and it never gets old, I was waiting for the next gen version to come out for me to buy an xbone so on the 18th I will have a new console and the this bad ass game. I am excited!

Well to be fair there are guns of small caliber with suppressors that quiet it down so that all you hear is the cycling of the gun. Not quite silent but almost. Also, the hk mp5 Sd is near silent as well. It has an integrated suppressor and makes 9mm standard rounds sound like what you would hear in the movies. There

here here! Your post made me crack up. But I totally agree.

Even still... the difference is so slight... I mean seeing both its still negligible yet xbox one got the crap beat out of it it terms of perception.

You know having played both ps4 on 1080p and xbox one I honestly think the difference is marginal at best. When I play on xbox one I think wow this is beautiful and I say the exact same thing on ps4. This difference has been blown out of proportion. Competition IS great and everyone needs the Sony/Xbox rivalry, both

w to the o r d X a million. U just know the majority on here haven't had pussy since pussy had them.

Ehhh I lost interest in modern ferraris. If Ferrari brought back the manual then maybe I would care. I have driven manual ferraris and also a 458 and driving my 6 speed manual porsche or the older manual ferrari is so much more engaging and what a sports car should be. The simple fact is the super car makers are aware

NOt only that but in black it looks very 1%

NOt only that but in black it looks very 1%

no shit. This article is stupid. Calm down it was all obvious to just about everyone. The only way this article could of been justified is if the driver was fucking blind. All involved need to get over themselves.

You forgot SMELL BAD and those that let their kids run rough shot on the nerves of all the other passengers. I am glad, though, that you didn't say RECLINE SEATS because then YOU would of been the asshole. It is the airlines fault for not making seats more spacious rather than the passenger for using the seat he

Listen, I would never hit a woman.. but when I play GTA 5 well sometimes I like to bash them in the head as I run past. I also like to randomly shoot people especially cops.

It's cowardly assholes pretending to be bad ass Special Forces. That's one component. The other two are racism and the very believable idea that revolution will come to America at some point. Given the huge and growing disparity between rich and everyone else and growing social unrest isn't it easy to see how the

I swear if you saw mine you would care, but since you have a smelly thong I would turn you away :(

lol...maybe your right about condescend and brag but nothing about what I said was imaginary.

Then keep on wearing your skidmark, smelly, unhygienic and unattractive butt floss.

You must be one of the unclean. I hope my advice has helped you stinky.
It was free.