have you watched the UK version too?
have you watched the UK version too?
oooof good one
china's gonna move on em like a bitch!!!
it's tough to miss though.
wait, but how you like them?!
Screaming Tea's were underrated too.
Teavana was cool but I was always more into Teagarden and Tea Jam
yeah, but you're a gerbil.
thats a monty python sketch isn't it? https://www.youtube.com/wat…
audibly farts
I do both, but everyone hates me
but not everything she is in is good, hahahaha
Trump is a pop-culture reality TV slug, masquerading as a human being. If he's not going to treat us respectfully, or treat the office with respect, I'm certainly not going to afford him any.
dude was a rad quote machine: "Soon, if we are not prudent, millions of people will be watching each other starve to death through expensive television sets."
we all…did…
stares dejectedly at own reflection