Walrus King

not one mention of Creedence! COME ON!

Sadly, it's probably some shitty local band that was on the same bill as my shitty local band. In highschool I used to go see this band Scissorfight whenever they came to town. Probably saw them 10 times. I see Joan Shelley every year when she comes to town now, probably getting up there too.

yeah what an asshole! *sheepishly takes off gold chain

challenge accepted!

thats actually pretty funny, internet

and its actually the best one I've heard.

kind of a decent state motto actually

Highheel shoes and a low neck sweater, I heard.

they live up to it just fine for me, but fair enough. I wouldn't say I was 'strawmanning'….bit harsh

yeah fair play - spot on. you may have caught the brunt of my anti-anti-beatles internet rage. On a lot of the music groups I'm a member of, shitting on the beatles seems to be well in vogue. Mozart can't be cool because he isn't Stockhausen…

hating Wings is completely natural.

ugh stop, yes they were. "The Beatles were no good" is the lamest opinion anyone on earth can have. You might not like them, fine, but there's no other group so universally adored, critically praised, and ahead of their time.

lets hope that baby never gets knighted.


plus they have a whole a race of slaves mutants fueling their technocity….makes me feel weird.

oh shit yeah forgot about Devlor. So much Devlor merch around lately too…

yeah the art in Monstress is beautiful (though, honestly, not really my bag) but I ended up turned off the the rpg-bullshit tone. It's just…middling.

Another good example of real creative fight scenes would be Michel Fiffe's Copra. Each issue usually has some super creative and unique action.

right yes