Walrus King

oh yeah he's a total sicko. so then you get into the whole polanski / allen / cosby thing…

this is bullshit

brah - you're off it

LOL fuccck off Edelstein

I think we're still trying to forget about it entirely

all of that has always meant all of that…hasn't it?

wait, the world isn't Baywatch:Nights?

Art doesn't happen in a vacuum.


yeah its no fun when it feels like you're 'on the run'! I'm lucky to have a real nice and well maintained bike path for the majority of the trip. But once I done ran over two skunks banging….so…dangerous out there too

crazy bald-heads

how it's just like I Know What You Did Last Summer but without any of that scary tension!

lol yeah same thing

yeah, they've honestly made it as hard as they can. And drivers seem to be furious at the mere concept of a bike.

oh hellllllll yeah - SUCK IT JERRY!

praise to the one true God, Jah. Its about time!

biking to work is so nice - but ya gotta time it well in the summer or you'll stink for your clients! But man oh man, real nice to actually see some of world, even fleetingly, before work.

you live in the chainsaw tornado?

thats high! is smoking even that high?

look, pizza aside, I'm just glad the cops finally killed that son of a bitch