Walrus King

Dr.Stange 20 sad to see it end, I really enjoyed this run. I thought it was a really good take on the character too. Though the confusingly timed issue 21 from last week (?!) was solid and fun too, so I'm hopeful that Hopeless does well. The art was fantastic in both.

Damn right! I'm with you on this

Hahahahha seriously!

lol good one - that's true

man, I wanted to like that book just because it made assholes mad, but that art…was…..baaaaaaaaaaaaad

depends on what you like, I suppose. But I find it kind of just 'fine' (not in a bad way, but it's not that rad).

there aren't too many solid parents in all of comics, when you think about it (if the parents are super, that is)

"me too!" said professor X, "for real though!"

Her long hair costume annoys me. Wolverine had the silly hair so he needed the wolverine hat to fit over his silly hair. so Her silly hat is empty, right? anyway, I wish she had a radder costume and was less 'babe'-ly. They're afraid to make her nasty and wolverine should be nasty.

I'll forward your demands to the League of Rockers next time I attend the Global Power Summit!

oh sure - that's the classic supergroup MO - one and done!

oh shit yeah. they got a couple good ones

no, I think we got it about right the first go round


jack white had to do with those?

that Them Crooked Vultures record had some good songs. Also, Good The Bad and The Queen - that record was a slam dunk

they only have one real super. Two, when Iha showed up. They don't count for me

and every member in that band had hats that were like shark fins - inspiring LL Cool J

hahahahahah holy shit

profits of rage