Walrus King

more like bitchcoin amirite

he always tells the truth! he's violently joyful about sugar water! in fact, the truth is his main problem!

gotta give those cucks what they want!

it's not a spoiler!

I WILL imagine that:

she probably wins good

I was listening to 'Highway to the Dangerzone' this weekend. Kenny Loggins will not even say hello to you until you've had a red line overload. It must be tough to only be able to say hi to like 7 people on earth (myself included, naturally)

right in the kissa!

shhh shhh, sleep now. You've had a long day

I'll take your word for it, Mr.Trump!

You're…you're…. mad!

fingers crossed! love those lil' scamps



just a josh brah - looking for an excuse to trot out 'sens8tional'

1. snakes (deserve it)
2. Whales (so big!)
3. All the people
4. oh no!

sens8tional news, for those of us who find it silly

as a walrus, me too

spoiler: they wont until its too late!