Walrus King

Garden State DID suck

dude sucks - suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

he needs a furious wife


isn't a CTCNH the name for one of the tubes in a dude's sac?

yeah I'm on her team on this one. Dude's being an asshole.

"wow the dick needle IS the best part!" said no one, ever

…of space. Not of Walruses, just space.

I have a hard time trusting production that professional

another AVP:Requiem fanboy

Yeah I like them both too but they didn't seem quite "right"

Ripley hell yeah

primo amount of y's at the very least

ha! good for you.

"this isn't bless-ed!"

they may have pleased the pathetic politicians of earth, but Ben and Jerry have made a very powerful enemy in Jah

Man, I always miss the good trends. I named my baby Cross Lightsaber.

oh yeah you did so much better in the uk. Congrats on your great recent decisions.

They must have just Ren out of ideas

doooooo it