Walrus King

A solo trip into the unknown wilds…I like it


shut it down, we have a winner

I think its kind of cool actually.

don't just look…admire!

now I'm worried about the times I've asked folks to “look at and admire” my tusks!


ugh I wanna see that but I showed the trailer to the mrs and got the ol' "this is a YOU thing" look

that aquatic ceremony does look farcical…

I felt a lot of things for Keira in that outfit…

well said!

yeah its rough

yeah, I liked the attempts to make it seem historically accurate, instead of going full fantasy. The battles were pretty good too.


Goddamn it. I'm magnetically drawn to every king arthur adaptation and it sounds like this one is gonna suck hard. I'd rather a sexy F than a boring C+.

so much pressure!

takes nap


you are the correct one, like me.

wish he had