Walrus King

Hahhahaha this was an excellent re-review

we have x-actly opposite x-taste

I still don't understand how Cowboys vs Aliens sucked that much

this show may be brilliant, but goddamn I can't stand the way MacFarlane characters look. It's like being punched in my eye's dick. rules it out entirely for me.


lol jesus christ hahahahha

I honestly have no idea what it will take. I would have thought almost everything he's done would be enough to get him booted.

I hope he dies from the effort it took to choke Bannon and Pence to death

however, believe it or not, back in the day The President was once held to higher standard than some joker joshin on the web. now….not so much.

I'm assuming Bannon is personally shooting native protestors off the pipeline right now…

I love Rap Music. I don't get to listen to it much because you know. I listen and then I have to make a business deal. But I love it. I hear it whenever I can, but sometimes I can't really do it because Obama ruined the country. It's great though, tremendous stuff my doggy man.

chug chug

oh, it does for sure

Hmmm I want to believe you because I love spoon and you're a professor…

the end of Spoon's hot streak?! I hope not. Excited to check the album out anyhow

I'm 100 yrs old, BUT:

better get the Adamantium wool for this one


shhhh, go to sleep its ok

he's creepy - it's a science fact