Wally P. Doyle's Widow

you seem to be leaving out the fact that he’s won every single trophy or player award that has ever existed, usually more than once.

i wish he would have at least spelled ‘citing’ correctly. what could have been a somewhat witty comment in poor taste now just seems like a trashy comment in poor taste.

“influencers” won’t get better at signing anything. their currency is only in attention, not in integrity of brand. hell, anyone gullible enough to buy tickets to the carribean because a hot girl told them to probably thinks that getting paid 6 figures for an untagged promo ad is pretty baller.

900 bucks for fancy petty cash? yeah, these kids definitely sound like salt of the earth types.

a plate of chili cheese fries that knows how many calories are in the table it’s resting upon

-1 poor sienna miler impression

in reality you didn’t watch the video yet commented on it

i almost forgot about this song a few years ago, and i’ll never make that mistake again

I think there was a day where I wondered what it would be like if Hamilton wrote for Deadspin. Thankfully, I no longer have to wonder.

Hm. Interesting.

but then what about rush limbaugh?


i came here to comment the exact same thing!

clicked on the article desperately hoping for this, was not disappointed.

“This Fedora is perfect” - MRAs

hey cool! i forgot her name for a second. she has a really nice voice!

dumb question - does an overthrow hand him an extra base? he sure looked like he didn’t have a care in the world as he waltzed home.

yeah like “do something amazing, even if this person is completely crazy”

I think I’m in the clear then! But as long as we’re discussing acceptable terms for defining the work of others - maybe don’t call anyone a bitch? that seems like probably the best route.

i hope you're not talking about me lol