i fear no deer
i fear no deer
I’m not sure why you said this, but she never really said that this wasn’t a recreation. She just said that the project “wasn’t about” August 2012, which, in garbled art-speak, means that that’s pretty much all it’s about.
If I had to guess, I would hope that this was taken from Alex Pareene saying “it me. I’m the vaping teen.”
as a former pittsburgher and current lover of funny things, thank you
I’ve always failed to find any humor in the “fuck her right in the pussy” thing, but apparently, it exists whenever grown-ass men have to explain, on camera, why they would “do something like that.”
I’m most offended by them breaking the 180º rule.
I would lean heavier into the bleach suggestion and then make the haters Say It To Your Face.