
My cable/internet provider DRASTICALLY lowered my bill when I called them up threatening to switch to Google Fiber. Of course, I didn't tell them that my Fiber install may not be able to get scheduled for months or longer - the slightest whisper of "Google Fiber" in Kansas City makes cable companies shit their pants

I'm one of the owners of a brewery in Kansas City called Torn Label. Yeah, it's always tough bringing in some of those sexy, sought-after hops - everyone loves a big IIPA with Nelson, Galaxy or Citra, but when you're a new brewery you're lucky if you can source the hops to do one or two batches of those a year!

Just Kansas and Missouri at the moment.

There was an announcement a while back that Ken Marino was developing a Fox sitcom where he would play sort of version of Sam from Dogfish head, but it seems to have died in development.

The variation of hop prices is kind of mindblowing. The cheapest hop my brewery uses, Columbus (AKA Zues, Tomahawk or CTZ) costs 5.85/pound on contract (we bring in 44 lb boxes at a time and each batch of our pale ale uses 28 lbs of it per batch).

You too will enjoy the feeling of the pleasure ridges!

I know, it's terrible when people have fun on comedy podcasts.

I'm incapable of NOT reading his name as Fat Nixon.

"Your test results came back, and unfortunately we can't hire you, as you tested positive for being a libertarian."

Hannibal is very talented but his show was/is terrible. Smug, lazy, and an overall terrible fit for his persona. Probably for the best that he moves on and and finds a better format for his comedy.


I made the mistake of briefly following him on twitter, and now I'm hoping I unfollowed him quickly enough to not ruin Rick & Morty for me.

As a Royals fan, I had some slight rooting interest in seeing the Cardinals win, as playing them in a '85 World Series repeat if we both reach would be a whole lot of fun. But mostly I was rooting for the Cubs because. . . fuck the Cardinals.

That's right, I do recall you mentioning at some point you were a KC guy! Awesome, I'll shoot you an e-mail - we should definitely grab a beer and talk movies at some point.

I'm this guy, so I helped produce Paris je t'aime, Print the Legend and Freakonomics. I left full time film production last year though, to start a craft brewery in Kansas City, Torn Label Brewing Co.

I can definitely understand your reaction, but as much as I agree about how agonizing it can be how one's artistic project is received, ultimately you have to make peace with the fact that when creative work is released to the public it simply will be judged, often harshly, no matter how personal a labor of love it

I'm kind of with you. I too feel like a cynical dead-inside bastard saying it, because I love love love Paul F Tompkins, but I liked PFT off-mic laughter before PFT off-mic laughter became A Thing. It's SO ubiquitous and over the top now that it genuinely feels distracting to me.

Look, you try keeping Shelly Long out of the AV Club offices. . .

I like most of the Mission St beers, which Firestone Walker brews for them, especially the Anniversary Ale. It's not mind-blowing, but FW is one of the best breweries in the country at blending batches IMO, and how often do you see a solid, batch-blended strong ale for $4/bomber?

Geisel complained, “There are already too many bears… Yogi Bear, the Three Bears, Smokey Bear, the Chicago Bears