Ugh! Another excuse for the chronically late, this time turning their vice into a virtue.
Ugh! Another excuse for the chronically late, this time turning their vice into a virtue.
they made you late for work? those fuckers!
At this point, I suspect ISIS would claim responsibility for my flat tire this morning.
You already knew someone who thinks they’re clever was gonna make a comment like this. It’s 75 degrees in LA today. I’m going to enjoy myself.
Even if I didn’t think Burke did it (which I do) no human ever born, or their suffering, has been worth SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS
I can’t even imagine how embarrassing this was for her. I fainted at work once in front of 2 people and I couldn’t look anyone in the face for a week. She fainted in front of the president and held up his final press conference — I would never recover.
PSA: You’re going to feel silly if you take snowshoes on a normal hiking route that is basically packed down snow. You’ll have octogenarians passing you in hiking boots while you’re acting like you’re summitting Everst.
I’ve shared them on here a few times. I had two very unenjoyable experiences working with her. She is high maintenance as hell. At one point she spent 40 minutes screaming at my coworker for something she didn’t even do. Her entire touring crew hid from her when she got off stage because he was pissed about a small…
“It’s about fucking time, don’t you think?”
Kanye West clearly isn’t at his Kanye Best, and needs to return to the Kanye Nest for another round of Kanye Rest, before continuing on the Kanye Quest.
I am so tired of Frank.
I’m with her - Shameless has always seemed more about Fiona and her attempts to wrangle the family while finding her own way. Frank is the occasional comic relief/shit starter, and that seems increasingly to be the case over the seasons.
Her Chicago accent in this show alone should earn her the damn pay and a boatload of awards. Its in no way over the top or a characterization. The depth of her character outshines his antics in any episode. Go girl!
Good for her. I’ve never seen the show but it is her right to negotiate for the salary she wants.
She deserves it! She does all the work in that house anyway! William H. Macy will just spend it on drugs!