
First, your education example is just wrong. Public school is the same true cost as private school on per student basis, and most private schools are better than public schools in the US. There is no profit in education and it's royally screwed up. In fact it is probably tied with healthcare for the biggest issue in

Not necessarily big pharma. It could be small pharma doing this, or the government. They could throw more money at R&D but they would NEVER see a return on that money. We need public funds to research that probably turns into a small startup that specializes in these drugs to make it all work.

Macintosh IIci, man do I remember buying some crappy games for that thing.

There are at least some things which seem weird about this. Some of the specs don't line up with what samsung has done recently.

I am pretty sure it is this just really long...

This may be true, but my hope is netflix sets up a deal a bit more like cable, where you can get some movie studios and not others.

So that's the reason the delayed the 4s release! I knew it would be something good.

This give the app store employees just one more reason to not give out new iPhones to people who break theirs.

This is one of the cases where our abilities to understand have outstripped our abilities to produce. I think that so many who have no expertise in a particular field underestimate how hard it is to do something. It's kinda the same reason why we aren't going to moon anymore. It's just too expensive for the return.

Actually, doctors are the one's running the "death panels" not the drug companies. Which I think are the best people to be doing it.

If I had to guess, the price for these medications is set by the government the medicare and medicaid (which generally tends to cover kids with severe illnesses in disadvantaged families). I bet that it is unprofitable to make these drugs at the prices the government sets. If you want to blame someone, blame the

Still wish they had a micro SD slot.

I am pretty sure is all of the die-hard people at PETA would have to commit suicide in order to stay logically consistent.

Some stem cells can be coaxed into making additional stem cells. This ability has been around for a while.

Here is my silly idea. If someone sues you for damages in a patent case and loses, they pay ALL your legal fees. And 1/3 of whatever they were suing you for.

I am enjoying vizio's tablet which sells just a hair under $300 on Amazon (I picked it up for around $200). Single core I know, but I read kindle on it, watch movies and view pictures. It's 8 inches but in the 3:4 ipad aspect ratio which makes it actually a very usable device. It's about 50% more real-estate than the

Is Apple jumping the shark?

Laser, just because lasers can probably be used to trigger lighting.

With netflix, it could take a few months would be my guess, before it is on tablets. I tried dropping the APK on my Vizio tablet with no luck, though it seems like works on the zoom.

I love instagram, but these are not improvements.