
looks llike the big win is that the hammock has pulls on the side.

I think all google would have to do is let you link people to their facebook and twitter and other accounts and then it would instantly replace facebook (minus the games) for tech-savvy users. It might take a bit longer for the non-tech-savy to use it, but not much.

I have android and google music, and actually, they do let you store music on your phone, and it syncs only over wifi by default (just like google listen, maps and a number of other data-intensive applications). All you have to do is click "Available Offline" and the next time you get on wifi, it will automatically

I don't mind the gadgetization, but cars are not platforms, they are interaction modes. And just the way that my 4 year old plasma works with ANYTHING through HDMI, a car should have a "plug" that I can add components to or remove them from.

Essentially, that is just one 16 oz soda per day.

So it will spare all but the pokiest birds? The blade tips are going about 177 mph.

So, they switch to tiered plans, and raise prices. Overall data is MORE expensive as their cheapest tiered plan is their current unlimited plan price.

He uses 8pen! What?!?

Right, so water flowing over the damns = no electricity, lots of nitrogen, and dead fish

The salmon thing feels a bit like a red herring to me. Looking at the original article, the argument is that salmon are helped by the extra water, but hurt by the fact the dams are still there. The salmon people just want more wind turbines so that we can kill off the dams entirely.

Does it come with a spinning beachball facade?

I really wish I could back these people, but these people should seriously find a better use for their time.

For full screen apps, you say the pros already have this...don't you mean Window's already has this? Chrome already has this in Mac too (shift+click the green button). I really think it is a bit ridiculous that such a big deal is being made about full screen apps.

99.999999% of ecoli is not harmful, and pretty much every human on the planet has it in their guts at this moment. It is only when it picks up strange mutations that it is dangerous.

"Talc-based body powder (perineal use of)" ... Does gold bond come with a warning label?

And Google's co-founders (who arguably changed the internet more than anyone else), they got PhD's. Education isn't dead, I can promise you that. And I can guarantee you that if you looked at college dropouts as a whole, then I am pretty sure those who graduated are better off than those who quit.

Kinect integration. That is probably what "detect human presence" refers to. I think this wil lbe a huge part of windows media center in the next version.

Top gear's bowler wildcat. Gotta love it.

I will have to second the PVC idea. It also puts fewer nicks in the floor.

In some places, maybe. But look at Europe. Much higher density than USA, yet not over-populated, and less environmental impact.