
If this is true, it will really push Android into the lead in terms of nerdy specs, and I really hope they can keep the cost down for such a high spec'ed phone. We will see what type of real-world results this will bring, but I am very excited about that that spare horsepower will do for the OS.

The key part to this is that it will NOT be in the office but likely on the iPhone 13 or build into Android 10.

@The Magnificen7: Gotta say that here in the USA, I have seen 1 iPhone without a case that wasn't in an Apple Store.

Does Adam Corrolla's video come to mind to anyone else? Bars of soap I tell you; glass bars of soap.

I have used this App SO MANY TIMES and it's amazing. I think that I have fixed about 5 or 6 people's routers using this app simply by changing the channel on the their router.

@Frizkie: If you are paying $20 for an HDMI cable you are doing it wrong.

How does off the ground make it cool in the summer? When air temperature is 95 for 2 months during the summer, I promise that the ground is cooler than a hammock.

So that carterphone, was it basically a portable phone?

I think if Google did this with kinect it could be awesome. I mean that voice recognition is fantastic on Android. I really think gesture control will come to Android in 6 months, and combined with voice, I could totally see that dominating the kitchen and the TV soon. No more "where's that remote?"!

Okay so it's only got about 33% more pixels than the Droid. It's only marginally better than existing screens. It will be passed in a few weeks.

The best places to buy HDMI and cables: [Monoprice.com] (everything from USB to HDMI and it's like $2-3 and the will ship USPS close to cost) and then Amazon marketplace has HDMI for cheap.

So this is dead simple and from what I can tell has never been done: easy mp3 tagging and ability to download top tags for a song from a database.

In true lifehacker style, I specialize my money across multiple banks utilizing the benefits of each.

I have come up with the thinnest wallet possible and it's pretty cool as well.

So this is actually really easy to do with a credit card too. You just have to call up a company and tell them you want a card with XXX credit limit (not everyone has this functionality, but I know CITI used to). Then tell them you never want to go over limit. Alternatively, there are a ton of 'family' cards in the

Typically what I do is go look at another new gadget or hobby. Right now I am looking at fountain-pens. Specifically in the $2-$10 range, and there are a bunch out there.