
Mine, too. I was explaining about voting rights to them after watching Mary Poppins and they looked at me liked I was lying.

Karl Lagerfeld is like 80+ years old. If he's anything like my grandparents, he probably thinks this is what it's supposed to do.

What fraternity is this shirt from?

On the DAY OF prom, I got a call from a friend asking if I knew her cousin, a senior who also went to our school. He was nice enough but, quite frankly, a pretty weird kid. She says he wasn’t going to prom since he didn’t have a date. I said I wasn’t so sure about the “date” part, but that he should come join all of

FLOTUS is amazing and I love pretty much everything she does. Kill it, girlfriend. Black girls DO rock.

A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used to kill or injure in a domestic homicide, suicide, or unintentional shooting than to be used in self-defense.

Yeah that stressed me out, I thought I'd been spelling it wrong personally

That was done in test markets and from what I heard it was not as well-received as Sephora had hoped, so I don't think they'll be doing something similar anytime soon. :(

It's ok, we mostly drink our tea iced anyway.

got you boo

I believe you're thinking of Demolition Man there.

so they placed a trach. Next a peg tube (permanent feeding tube in stomach)I'm sure. This is not a good thing at all IMO. Looks like they're going to let her be in a vegetative state indefinitely. Prob will be placed in a long term care facility. This makes me sad, and angry at the same time. I'm sorry BK, but you're

Better late than never, and most definitely should've posted this story sooner but here it goes. I do promise this will make you smile.

Being the least cool Murdock. #RupertsFault

Everyone is great but JGL and Stephen can't be beat.

"I hope this serves as a lesson to All-Americans. Whoops. I mean, all Americans."

[Michael] Pascal, 45, who worked at the time as a pilot for a regional airline carrier that contracts with Delta