Waka Flocka Funk


You know, why not get one of the “parents” of the “child” to waive the anesthesia?

Well, it’s immigration law and that’s my area of expertise, so, you know, I try.

I love how going to law school meant you were thousands in debt during the recession but now you literally have a job just suing the government.

Ugh. This is going to be a busy, busy week as a result of this new ban.

Man, i hated rotary phones. You had to start all the way from the beginning if you made a mistake and didn’t dial the reich number.

Sorry, Rihanna, I just spent all my makeup-related energy this weekend anticipating the upcoming Lisa Frank makeup line.

Particularly shocking given Uber’s stellar reputation as a safe convoy for female passengers.

Hey y’all. I just turned 29, and heading into this new year I have realized something about myself- I don’t identify as straight any more.

Craft Thread!

After 10 years, I finished paying off my student loans today! *High fives all around*

Get your friend a tape recorder

I am honestly EXTREMELY disappointed in Jezebel for not including that McCorvey was in a lesbian relationship for 35 years, a source of much contention between her and the conservatives that have tried to ‘claim’ her legacy. This woman was clearly used as a pawn by both sides of the abortion wars - a situation she

Nothing is known about the children McCorvey gave up for adoption.

So she’s basically the face of “the only moral abortion is my abortion?

That assumes the child is making an actual choice and not being manipulated by one parent. In an ideal world sure. But if the parent or parents are manipulators it’s not really the child’s choice.

I would rather see him fucking a plane that fucking a country.

Well, she is his cock pit.

Conway is getting iced out. Stephen Miller seems to be where it’s at now.

That’s what struck me as well: each in their own way is participating in a critical component of this movement.