Waka Flocka Funk

I was planning to go, but logistics with work made it difficult, so I donated the cost of my plane ticket to PP, and I know a lot of women who did the same. I also know a lot of women going.

This type of energy is good for Democrats and must be channeled for grassroots organizing in opposing Trump’s agenda, the 2018 midterms and in local races across the country. Now that the Republicans are in complete control (as they were last decade), it’s time to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Yes, because all LGBT relationships are drama free and no gay people are attention seekers. Those are 100% straight people things.

In other words, Kim Kardashian is that annoying “friend” from high school who changes their relationship status to “it’s complicated” for a day in hopes of getting a lot of attention, then they change it back the next day. And this happens every few weeks or months.

I believe that Kim needs to get people talking about her since it’s been a while since Kim K has been trending on any social media, and MommaKris probably is ready to turn off the money spigot. The Kardashians make most of their real money on endorsements and advertising and I’ve heard Kanye is still broke, so I can

Digging that hole deeper, especially when one starts off with “I’m not racist” and/or “I have black friends.”

At this point, I suspect ISIS would claim responsibility for my flat tire this morning.

I feel like this has just been a really really long dare for one of us to figure out how to make feminism a religion

Hes not talented enough to be as obnoxious as he is.

Ii’s like all the states are pregnant with little versions of themselves.

Lol are you serious?

“Imagine a senior, who has paid four years of Stanford tuition.”

I don’t need a ride. I’ll take metro (I live local). I pulled you out of the grays though.

Maybe we should organize a big Jez meet-up as this is the kind of occasion that’s right up our alley! I’ll ask around, if we can find people who know DC well we’ll be able to set a place to meet up in advance and go to the march site together. I’ll use the next SNS to gather people who are going and willing to meet up.

I‘ll be driving from NYC at 5:30 am Saturday morning, dropping my stuff/picking up the key to my room at a BnB in Baltimore where I’m staying Saturday night. Then will either drive or commute into DC and back to Baltimore that evening. Driving back to NYC Sunday afternoon. I will have room in my car for up to 3

The reaction to Obama was baseless. The reaction to Trump is based on *things he and the people he is putting on his team have said they’d like to do*.

His opening salvo was illegal immigrants are a pack of rapists; from the mouth of an admitted rapist.

Joined with my real meet up account so don’t be a fucking psycho.

I’ll be going by myself too! And because RallyBus overpromised and likely won’t get a bus, I’ll be coming down by Greyhound, so a good chance I’ll be one of the few for the march on the bus as well.

We SHOULD coordinate and have a way to find one another. I’ll be there all by myself and I’d like to find you lovely people!