
What about brown sugar?

You are just playing hard to get, you can't fool anyone but yourself. Tim will have your ass, in the long run, just stay bent, hero.

You are too goddamned important. You must lose your self-importance. Go incognito Captn!

I guess you haven't heard about the new 8" battery that you insert in your ass. It has a cord you run up to your arm, then down your sleeve, then a simple plug that plugs in the phone. It lasts 14 days unless you take a shit, whichever comes first.

Yes, first you must convince yourself you're not an idiot, then succumb to the fact.

First the seed is planted in empty heads, then the billfold is easily emptied of a couple of hundred bucks. Why oh why would anyone want a watch when a cell phone is so incredibility powerful. Fools and their money are soon parted.

I hate myself, but love myJohnson, and that's enough.

What? My Johnson.

This is the date the Fan Boys get sucker-punched.

Your definition of "cheap" doesn't match mine. I can and have for many years been able to switch lights on and off all by myself. If I want them dim, I just install a dimmer switch. High tech sucks in the case of "smart lights".

Your definition of "cheap" doesn't match mine. I can and have for many years been able to switch lights on and off

What if I like moonshine?

Actually heaven looks like the houses Hollywood movie stars live in.

All I know is that there is one hell onf a lot of people on statins. Something seems wrong with the whole view one gets on what is healthy in the diet. I think we are beong used by big pharm. Somebodys lying for the stuff that runs America.

Gosh the start menu is coming back-whoopie! If they really do something with security I'm a buyer.

We have to wait for the reviews, but I'm very hopeful.

How does this senile a-hole have any cred? Unbelievable!

Whatever else you do, make sure reading is part of your life so you may grow to your potential.

Italy should be more aware of quality and handmade masterpieces than almost any other country because of the rich heritage of art, architecture, and sculpture. I appreciate the wonderful work technology produces (like the MacBookPro) I'm now using. I'm in the antique business and I can readily discriminate between art

I never rely on the "word " handmade". If one can't look and feel the quality in a handmade object, one should leave it be.

It is apparent you aren't aware of the "spiritual" connection with material being used and then crafted by hand. Perhaps you could invent a machine to make the object by just pressing a button.