
Me too, I like to act like a Republican when I'm feeling shitty and brain dead.

NO! It'll just give me an excuse to dump the app.

I just want them to lower the bill to a reasonable rate like in other countries. Greedy bastards.

Hey you wear different hats and apparel to enhance your persona.

Sugru would be a better product it it lasted much longer than it does. The are much better 2 part mixes that makes Sugru worthless.

Beat your ego down like its a mad dog-which in reality, it is.

If you use an Apple product, they ask how much money is in your bank account.

This is one of my favorite apps that I use daily. Get it!

I always go the the product reviews that are the most disapproving and make my decision based on the critique's. That is if I can't handle the product in person.

We are kindred spirits. I cram in everything that interests me i.e. woodworking, art, gardening, computers, avid reading, fixing stuff, cleaning stuff, music, and on and on. Jack of all trades, and master of way more than just one.

Interesting being able to bypass all the complications. I'm in.

Get the one closest to where you work because gas is not going down. So I'm saying that should be the first consideration, along with reasonable rent.

Just do what you love and you will be a happy person. To hell with the many many formulas.

$12 is nothing compared to typing on the tiny keyboard on your cell. Loosen up and fly!

Anyone who don't use a password manager really doesn't know much about computers. A friend who has weak passwords is now being used by a scammer that is sending emails to all the people in her contacts list. She is going to have a lot of lost friends very shortly.

Anything I send that I want private will be sent this way from now on. If someone wants to try and crack it, so what. If enough people start encrypting their internet stuff they are going to be very very busy getting nothing just like they are now.

Outlook lets you make a lot of aliases. So easy if you use the service.

Just a little tip-If you weigh over 300 lbs the crushing is spectacular, and you can crush the trash like a car compacter.

Nice option to have for a lot of reasons.