I was going to say that place screams malaise. It’s probably built with better materials than something in the last 25 years but without maintenance the wiring may be shot and the foundation crumbling.
I was going to say that place screams malaise. It’s probably built with better materials than something in the last 25 years but without maintenance the wiring may be shot and the foundation crumbling.
How else do you afford a boat, a quad, tow vehicle and a lakeside cabin?
I thought American cars were designed and built to the lowest $ value so stockholders could get as much money as possible while the company delivered a product that would go down the road. My grandfather’s 80 Citation was a very troublesome car; he always said he should have kept the Valiant a few more years.
The Florida Car jokes will write themselves. Since so much of the state will be under water soon I guess it’ll need the snorkel. Hope it can adjust to the salt (water) life.
That joke is a good fusion of meanings for the same word.
I guess you just have to overwhelm it.
The good old ground nail. So vile there was a movie made to promote it sixty years ago, and thirty years ago Mystery Science Theater roasted that.
The Horror at 37,000 Feet is peak Shatner. 1973.
That matches the general attitude. As with the 737 Max details don’t matter until planes are crashing. Hell, Teslas don’t even meet that standard.
The ‘90 Accords got too big, but looking back now they were okay. Still fantastic build quality as long as they don’t rust.
This is a tiny town and we don’t want you comin’ ‘round.
So now we know his name was either Luke or Bo.
You need to move a tad east to be in the land where a county is the most local identity/jurisdiction.
Pretty sure that’s a Louisiana, dude
Luckily it’s from an era where just about any other Subaru wheel will fit on it. I’d try a 16x7 from the 98-01 RS range.
Reverse: secure your stuff and watch out for roadworks.
He’s returning the favor for the Kaiser’s support during the Boer War
I‘m always surprised at how much automotive production staff move from one factory to another. As if it’s its own mini labor exchange across the industrial midwest.
If it was in something a bit more modern like a Switch it wouldn’t need to be hidden. I’d rather have a phone that sends the signal, though.
During the race, the family-focussed SUV will face loose, sandy surfaces, high altitudes, and formidable temperatures. All of which sound like they should be beyond its normal operating range, which I imagine is more likely a short drive for the school run or a quick trip to Home Depot.