Ultimately, did this treaty really matter at all anyway? How long do you think it would take to put a nuke on a 500mi range cruise missile, of which we have thousands? Or just use our B2s?
Ultimately, did this treaty really matter at all anyway? How long do you think it would take to put a nuke on a 500mi range cruise missile, of which we have thousands? Or just use our B2s?
Just look at that snow bank, and consider the sick drift he just pulled in his van to carve that out with his ass end.
The reason they use electrolysis for ammonia isn’t about cost, it’s about purity. Ammonia coming off of a landfill is accompanied by other gasses, such as methane. Captured ammonia would have to be separated out and purified. However, if you used it has a hydrogen feed stock, you wouldn’t need to, because you coul…
The biggest sources of ammonia on the planet, however, are decaying organic matter.
It’s still over 200 grams per mile in battery carbon in a Tesla— or more than you get with a Prius all-in.
You would have to redesign the engines to accept the extremely light, gaseous fuel.
I would really love to see more energy being put into changing cargo ship’s fuel source or at least efficiency. Currently the overwhelming majority of all cargo ships burn crude. Your average panamax cargo ship outputs more C02 than all the vehicles in Los Angeles do in a year.
2) Where is that 100 tonnes of CO2 going? There is nothing in the article about sequestering the carbon dioxide - so is it going into the atmosphere?
Production is right about what you would expect from electrical generation to run electrolysis, except it’s on the far bottom end of the scale, meaning they must be using some real shit coal. Consuming the electricity to run electrolysis, and then consuming the hydrogen in a fuel cell to produce electricity, cuts you…
1) Fast refueling
What a load of bullshit.
Funner fact: ammonia production is extremely energy expensive, because the first step in the process is to produce hydrogen gas through electrolysis of water.
Same thing as fast food chili, left over burger scraps, and all the extra gluten they removed from the bread.
6) Despite all that, I do still like a 6" BMT from time to time.
The reason why Tesla does not use an SAE-standard plug for their charging network is exactly the situation you see in the video above.
Jesus god this website is shit now, five reloads just to see comments.
A whole half a watt worth of power.
They could just drop the “Ford” in favor of a sub-make, a la SRT or Genesis.
I move over, and try to get my overhead out before getting into th aisle.
And the paint scheme. Looks like a junker half-and-half where they didn’t bother to repaint.