
My mistake. If we’re talking USB-C, that would be pins 6 and 7.

It’s not doing it unknowingly.  You know it’s going to do it.  And you can fix it by clearing out its memory when you return the vehicle.  If you’re nice, you’ll also clear out all the other devices that have been paired by previous renters.

Pins 2 and 3, the ones that say “data +” and “data -”.

It’s 5e, or at least it’s short enough a run for gigabit to work. iperf does 800Mbps both ways. I can’t easily confirm, as the only insulation that hasn’t been cut way short is in the service box, and I shoved that back into the wall after installing a patch panel, and that’s not coming back out without pulling a

So, call your ISP to see if they can give you an answer and/or excuse.

I opened one of the outlets in my apartment a couple months ago to see if they were wired A or B (not that crossover matters with modern equipment) and found this mess.

My bet is you have some bad grounding on equipment somewhere and there’s some voltage leaking on the ethernet. That could either be bad grounding or bad surge protectors at the outlet for the main house switch

Mm... nah... Too many significant digits...

That’s, err... several times solar escape velocity.

The UR700 would have also been incredibly advanced even today - one of its key ideas what that six boosters and a core would ignite at launch with the boosters topping up the tanks of the core, so when they were jettisoned the core would still be completely filled with fuel. This crossfeed would greatly improve

I feel like they should just remove the tow vehicle as unnecessary.

To be fair, that whole post was gibberish.

Just once, coincidentally on a Proton.

When the stores run out of stock before their next regularly scheduled deliveries, meaning they have yet to be affected by transportation issues, that’s panic buying.

This isn’t a tent like you would use to go camping. It’s a heavy-duty space frame building, with a thick fabric skin. It’s not a temporary structure. My university had multiple of these, and left them standing for years while they were doing major renovations to campus buildings.

What happens next is shocking!

But any braking at all would have diminished the damage. The Tesla’s don’t even try to slow down.

No it isn’t. How fast do you drive? 2.5s is well over 200ft at highway speeds.

If he’s married to a US citizen, there has to be documentation, or else the marriage isn’t valid. Was the problem that the proper paperwork just hasn’t yet finalized? Was the marriage not recognized?

Trying to watch the Romanian episode. I just looping an ad for Star Wars every two minutes.