
I genuinely doubt that what they did even remotely resembles what it will sound or feel like to have fighter jets flying out of the airport.

Those two statements are incompatible. If it stops some, it’s effective.

Would limiting magazine capacity not reduce the amount of rounds a shooter can fire in a span of 4-6 minutes?

Those aren’t their guns anyway. They’re all conscripted reservists, and those are government issued weapons. Those weapons used to come with government issued ammunition, a practice which as you mentioned was stopped a decade ago, which raises a whole other bizarre issue, why even give them weapons if they have no

According to the video, had you watched it, cops had come and gone, doing nothing to alert drivers to the hazard.

I’m just going to stop here, because you’re making contradictory arguments.

I’m thinking “significant” is something like the Swiss, where the bulk of their male population has received at least basic military weapons training.

If that’s not a significant percentage of citizens who are proficient in firearms, then I don’t know what is.

Yes. Watch the video. That’s covered.

A fully loaded truck is going to be carrying somewhere in the range of 65klbs distributed across 16 tires. That’s 4klbs per tire. Even “light” trucks don’t even hit half that.

A 17,000 semi tractor with a DD15 makes 1,850 lb-ft of torque. The same ratio on a passenger car would mean a 4,000 lb car would have 435 lb-ft not far off of idle.

The only reason to do that would be if you were traction limited.

While the battery and motors cannot handle the same temperatures as the diesel engine block and exhaust system, the high efficiency means the total waste energy the system must reject is significantly less, even at much higher power levels.

At least it’s not as bad as Kansas.

If you’re traveling behind a semi or bus, odds are very good you’re going to be able to stop faster than them. The trouble is all the smaller commercial vehicles with no rear visibility, or oversized passenger trucks and SUVs with tinted windows.

Rentals. For some reason, Budget intentionally turns off lights when a car is returned. I don’t know, maybe they don’t like lights being on in the garage or something... There have been several times where I’ve picked up a car, gotten on a well lit highway, and it didn’t dawn on me that my lights weren’t on until I

On a “heavily banked turn”, it’s not unlikely people were actually slowing down below the “zero force” speed. Sitting parked in traffic on an interchange and sliding sideways toward the guard rail is an awful feeling.

Maybe it’s supposed to be hard to actually figure out the shape of?

Yes. If you’re trying to get a law changed (or created), it matters which one you’re actually going after.

Torque is literally nothing more than power divided by RPM. At a given RPM, they are directly proportional. If your power is doubled, your torque must also be doubled.