
first, cars don’t stop at crosswalks without stop signs, even when they’re supposed to

You’d think they mixed crack in with the beans. I’m always amazed when I see someone suddenly cut across three lanes of traffic to turn when they see a Tim Hortons on the corner. I’m even more amazed when I immediately see the same thing happen a two blocks away at different Tim Hortons on the corner.

They’re fine so long as you put marked crosswalks a good distance back from the circle, assuming the kids actually use the crosswalks...

The diesel cycle is (theoretically) constant pressure expansion. During your power stroke, you continue to pump fuel to maintain combustion and maintain chamber pressure. Since chamber pressure is dependent on there being fuel, chamber pressure cannot exceed fuel pressure. There’s also the small issue of not wanting

Yes, you can rate a jet engine in Horsepower if you measure the rotational energy at the shaft

I stand corrected. They’re ice tires!

I was reading about an air traffic control software that runs on a pre-DOS language.

I feel you’re missing the point that everyone is trying to make. You take a pinned winter tire and put studs on it, you have now made it a snow tire. If you remove the studs, it goes back to being a winter tire.

Of course it starts its life as a cold weather tire. Why would you pin a warm weather tire for removable studs?

This may vary with the automatics, but my five speed also has a bit of advantage on deceleration since I can downshift and all four tires are slowed.

So, what would you call a tire that’s designed for use on snow?

So if I understand you correctly, you’re saying it’s designed for use on snow, rather than asphalt?

Unless it’s studded...

There’s two parts to the mechanism. The first part is internal, and disengages the valve as soon as it detects a full tank. The second part is the latch on the handle, that holds the handle closed. Latch or not, the internal mechanism is supposed to stop pumping, requiring you release and squeeze the handle again to

Worst one I saw was some idiot tailgating a 16 wheeler while texting and in a rush to go when all the lanes are slow.

It’s typically ill advised to throw the pilot out of the aircraft you are currently occupying...

By having a massive power output, and no shift delays.

It’s inevitable. Just hope basic income is passed before your occupation is phased out.

Lithiums can’t be discharged 90% “like a lithium” either. Any kind of bulk storage where you’re cycling daily for 15 years isn’t going to be operating anywhere near 90% DOD.

Plain old lead acid chemistry only operates for a few hundred cycles before you have to recycle the materials. It’s only really useful for backup purposes.