Announcing the location of US Naval Fleets is genius.
Announcing the location of US Naval Fleets is genius.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with diesel as a fuel. The problem is with diesels as a thermodynamic cycle. It transitions from fuel lean to fuel rich across the cycle, so you have the worst of both worlds, high NOx and high soot. My comment was on where diesel (the engine) is being used, that couldn’t be replaced…
What’s more, diesels are much more suitable for alternative and biofuels, which we will eventually to develop anyway, because of the number of sectors that simply can’t replace diesel.
Certain parties are targetting passenger vehicles because of their NOx release when in fact the largest releases of NOx comes from shipping (naval shipping) and agriculture.
There are cruise missiles that have supersonic terminal modes, but those are more about improving survivability and penetrating capability. The only reason you wouldn’t do a hypersonic terminal dive is because of the impractical size of rocket needed to get you there. There wouldn’t be much purpose for a missile with…
At these speeds when does it become more efficient for it just to be a kinetic weapon?
If you’re taking out a satellite, you’re no longer hypersonic, because you’re operating in a regime where the speed of sound is irrelevant.
Fragmentary warheads are easier than trying to manage a skin hit, but you’re still talking a radius of a few tens of meters for a guaranteed kill. A vehicle at high speed will take a long time to turn, but it won’t take any additional time to dodge.
they can come at you from unpredictable directions and include a nap-of-the-earth portion of the mission profile
If you’re trying to avoid overflight, then yes, you would have to pull increasingly higher Gs with higher vehicle velocity. If all you’re trying to do is maneuver to avoid an interceptor, you only need to accelerate faster than the interceptor’s guidance system can compensate for, and your absolute speed is…
Oh, I’m sure there are some fluorine compounds that given the right conditions, could use air as fuel...
Current rocket technology is pretty damn good. New Horizons left Earth at 36,000 mph - roughly Mach 47.
Well the past twenty years of heavy daily laptop usage haven’t been an issue, but the next two... yeah, that’s going to do it....
Your “solution” of raising the arms and desk higher will force the shoulders into a shrugging position
So raise the desk, and your arms, higher. Still not seeing the harm for your eyes or wrists...
If it’s bad for your eyes, just look away periodically to exercise your focus. If it’s bad for your neck, it’s at the wrong height. If it’s bad for your wrists, you’re typing incorrectly.
You decided you didn’t like the Colorado, so you bought an Impreza? Somehow I don’t think you were in the market for a truck...
Milliamps are enough. The “safe” limit under normal conditions is around 50V, which is why many DC systems run 48V. More than that (and sometimes less than that) across your chest can put you into fibrillation.
And flammable!
At least in the industrial world, we usually call them “contactors” when they’re directly controlling a motor. Something that fed power to a drive, and was only used to safe the system would be a branch or master relay.